Coachella Valley High School

Hogar » Coachella Valley High School

Welcome to the Coachella Valley High School blood drive!

Detalles de la donación de sangre

Coachella Valley High School
83800 Airport Boulevard
Mini Gym
Thermal, CA 92274

Sign Up with the Health Academy.
Consent forms (available at the Counseling Office) required for 15 & 16 year olds.

Thursday, October 26
7:30am to 1:15pm

Friday, October 27
7:30am to 1:15pm

Patients need your help!

No olvides usar Pase expreso para acelerar su proceso de donación.

Descargo de responsabilidad: LifeStream cumple con las pautas de la FDA sobre incentivos para donantes.

Click on the desire date above to schedule an appointment.