The Donation Process

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Before Your Donation

Eat Up

In preparation for your donation, eat a hearty meal and drink plenty of fluids.

Drink Up

Hydration is important before and after your donation. The more water you drink the easier your blood moves through your body.

Get Moving  

In the moments before and during your donation do some simple flexing or tension exercises. 

During Your Donation

Giving The Gift Of Life Through Blood Donation Is Easy! Here Are The Three Easy Steps To Becoming A Red-Blooded Hero:
  1. REGISTRATION, SCREENING & MINI-PHYSICAL: Sign in to complete a brief questionnaire about your health history and our LifeStream staff members will give you a mini-physical which will check your blood pressure, pulse, temperature and iron levels.
  2. DONATION: On to the main reason you are here – your lifesaving donation! Your blood is drawn by a skilled professional using new, sterile, and disposable material.
  3. RE-ENERGIZE IN THE CANTEEN: Congratulations! You have made a lifesaving difference in the lives of patients in need. Feel proud of your heroic act! Now head on over to the canteen and re-energize on yummy snacks and drinks.

After Your Donation

Once Your Donation Is Complete, The Journey Of Your Blood Has Only Just Begun!

To protect the patients that may receive your blood, it will go through a number of tests for several types of infections, potentially harmful antibodies and, of course, to confirm your blood type.

Your blood will then be separated into components if needed, packaged and sent to a local hospital where it may just save someone’s life!